Greensboro Community
Yom HaShoah Commemoration
Sunday, May 5, at 7:00 p.m.
Temple Emanuel
Join us as we commemorate the lives and heroism of the Jewish people who died in the Holocaust.
The evening will include a community-led ceremony, musical performances, and a special guest speaker, Shelly Weiner. Shelly was only 4 years old when she, her mother, aunt, and cousin were hidden from the Nazis. While Shelly has told her heartbreaking story of survival many times over the years, there are teens, college students, and many in our area who have yet to hear from her firsthand. Given the recent spike in antisemitism, including the defacing of the local Women of the Shoah statue this past December (Shelly's hand was used as a model for this memorial), being together for this year's service has taken on even greater meaning.
The Greensboro Community Yom HaShoah Commemoration is a joint effort of the Beth David Synagogue, the Greensboro Jewish Federation, and Temple Emanuel.
Sponsor: GJF, Temple Emanuel, Beth David