
14 2024

TE- Kehilah Wellness: Managing Stress

10:00AM - 11:00AM  

Temple Emanuel 1129 Jefferson Road
Greensboro, NC 27410


Contact Shira Snyder

Attend Kehilah Wellness workshops at Temple Emanuel!


Ariel Rubin is a Kesher teacher and Holistic Health Practitioner of R. E. L. HEALING ARTS. A wellness platform to support individuals and companies

(R)estore and (E)levate (L)ife.


She offers personal training, therapeutic fitness, nutritional insights, wellness coaching and workshops. She is passionate about preventative lifestyle

medicine and the livelihood of communities. Especially the wellbeing and empowerment of women.


April 14 - MANAGING STRESS— We live in unprecedented times. We are always on the go. And stress and inflammation run rampant in our bodies. Learn somatic therapy techniques, ways to develop healthier habits and the ancient movement therapy Qi Gong (CHEE-GAWNG) to invite balance and harmony into daily living.