
23 2022

TE Countinue the Journey: A Young Adult Passover Hike

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

Nat Greene Trail, Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway
Greensboro, NC 27455
336-292-7899 info@tegreensboro.org

Contact Jessi Balogh

When Passover comes to a close,
"Continue the Journey" with TE!

Join us at the Nat Greene Trail, Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway on Saturday, April 23 at 2:00 p.m., for a relaxed hike and a special D'var Torah.

We'll be led by one of your Temple Rabbis, and hear fascinating insights about the Exodus from Egypt and what came next for our people.

Bring a bag lunch so we can recharge after the hike and schmooze together over a bite!