NCCJ presents
Antisemitism and Islamophobia: An Interfaith Conversation
via Zoom on Tuesday, April 12 from 6 – 7:30 PM.
Naijla Faizi (Associate Chaplain for Muslim Life at Wake Forest University) and Rabbi Andy Koren (Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanuel) will join Michael Robinson (NCCJ’s Program Director) for an interfaith conversation covering a range of topics, including:
• The history of antisemitism and Islamophobia in the United States
• Current manifestations of these forms of religious discrimination and prejudice
• The personal and societal impact of antisemitism and Islamophobia
• What we can all do to raise our awareness and counter hate in our community
The most recent harassment of members of our Jewish community reminds us that we must stay vigilant in order to foster a welcoming, safe and inclusive community for all our neighbors. NCCJ invites you to join us for this important conversation.