
17 2018

Jewish Community Leadership Teach-in Honoring Israel's 70th Anniversary

12:00PM - 1:30PM  

Greensboro Jewish Federation
United States 5509-C West Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410

*Special event for Board members of GJF, JFG, JFS, GFLI Mentors, Lion/LOJE members, Rabbis, Jewish Educators, Leadership Round Table members.

With Kenneth Stein, Ph.D., Director, Institute for the Study of Modern Israel at Emory University

Call or email Dianne Hines (336) 852-5433 x233 to rsvp by phone
There is no charge for this program, but you must register. Please bring a dairy lunch or order a lunch  for $18.
[This program is for Jewish professionals and community leaders]*.