Greensboro Jewish Federation’s Major Gifts Dinner:
Storytelling Under the Stars
Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
The Weaver Room and Terrace of Proximity Hotel
704 Green Valley Road, Greensboro, NC
Gather under the stars for a Sukkot to remember. Feel inspired by shared stories of dedication from our generous supporters. Together, we will discover what drives us, and treasure the joyous moments of unity.
$54 per person includes Plated Dinner and Live Music
Minimum gift is $5,000 per household.
You will be given the opportunity to make your 2023 pledge to the Greensboro Jewish Federation Annual Campaign.
THANK YOU to Campaign Co-Chairs Emily Kranz and Alina Spaulding
Want to Share your Story under the Stars?As a story teller, you will be gifted a one-on-one writer’s workshop with a facilitator from Theatre Dybbuk. The consultation will take place in advance of the event, and will help cultivate your own personal story — giving focus to moments in your life that are connected to philanthropic giving.
Inspire your friends with a reading of your newly-written story with live musical accompaniment. If you would like to share your story under the stars, please contact Sara Goldstein / (336) 852-5433 x238.