
31 2016

FED & Foundation - Women's Joint Opening Luncheon

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

O.Henry Hotel 624 Green Valley Road
Greensboro, NC 27408

Contact Emily Gray

All women are invited to join us for this event featuring Special Guest Speaker Sonia Pressman Fuentes, Co-Founder of NOW and author of Eat First, You Don't Know What They'll Give You, The Adventures of an Immigrant Family & Their Feminist Daughter

Make your reservations now! Seating is limited - register online here. For additional information and reservations contact Maryann Kingsmill (336) 294-0846.  

Thank you to event chairs Janie Silvers and Ellen Samet. The Women's Joint Opening Lunch is funded in part by the Florence Weinstein Jacobson Memorial Fund.