
8 2016

Breakfast with Rabbi Irving "Yitz" Greenberg

7:45AM - 9:30AM  

Greensboro Jewish Federation
United States 5509-C West Friendly Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27410


Contact Marilyn Chandler

Breakfast with Rabbi Greenberg for all Jewish organization/agency Board and Staff members. Rabbi Greenberg will be speaking about Jewish leadership and the importance of Judaism in the world today at the Greensboro Jewish Federation. 

Rabbi Dr. Greenberg, a world-renowned theologian, will explore the tensions and risks in how Israel is imagined by contemporary Jews and Christians, the conflicts over Israel that might have led to controversy and distrust in Jewish-Christian dialogue, and how such dialogue might be improved.

Sponsored by Elon Jewish Studies; the Elon Center for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society; the Lori and Eric Sklut Emerging Scholar in Jewish Studies Endowment; Wendy and Lee Pake; the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte; and the Greensboro Jewish Federation.