
11 2018

BD Israel Program - To The Moon and Back

4:30PM - 7:00PM  

Beth David Synagogue 804 Winview Drive
Greensboro, NC 27410

Contact Audrey Krakovitz
(336) 294-0007

BD Israel Program co-sponsored with AIPAC - To the Moon and Back

Yoni Winetraub – Israel in Space

Followed by an Israeli falafel dinner

SpaceIL’s achievements, challenges, technology and lessons learned in starting a private space program!
The inspiring story of SpaceIL, an Israeli organization that hopes to make Israel the fourth country ever to land a spacecraft on the moon.
SpaceIL is an Israeli non-profit organization participating in the Google Lunar XPRIZE, an international competition to land an unmanned spacecraft on the Moon. Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari and Yonatan Winetraub founded SpaceIL in 2010 with a focus on inspiring children and promoting education and scientific exploration. The potential prize money will be used to ensure that Israel will continue to live up to its reputation for excellence in science, engineering, technology and math.

Sponsored by Beth David and AIPAC.

Advanced Reservation Required.