For College Students & Others
JELF—interest free loans for full-time Jewish students enrolled in post-secondary education. Enrollment will open September 1 and close Sept. 30 for those who need assistance for Spring semester, 2018. Go to to apply. JELF has already distributed over $70,000 in loans to students for the academic year 2017-2018. Call Betsy Gamburg at 336-852-4829, ext. 225 or for questions. 
For Adults
Next JFS Employment ProgramJoyce Richman and Barbara Demarest will answer all your employment questions. Joyce is a consultant and coach in career counseling, a regular columnist for the News and Record, and routinely guests on local television; Barbara is a strategic consultant and executive coach and is the Executive Director of The Coaching Association. Bring your questions in an open forum discussion, Wednesday, September 27 at 7:00 p.m. at JFS. Contact or 336-852-4829, ext. 225 to rsvp or for more information.
Counseling Services are available at JFS with our licensed clinical social worker. Sliding scale available and confidentiality assured. Contact Deborah Frisco at 336-852-4829, ext. 226.
For Families
Food Pantry Program for Young Children and Parents Come and learn, share, and do a MITZVAH! Sunday, October 8, 10:30 a.m.—noon at JFS. Help sort food donations to the JFS Pantry, hear a PJ Library story, have a snack, and understand how any person, of any age, can do a world of good for others. This program is intended for young children; please do not pull older children from Sunday School programs. or 336-852-4829, ext. 225.
For Older Adults
Caregiving when you are a spouse can be both satisfying and stressful. JFS has started a monthly Caregiver Support Group for Spouses. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. with the exception of this month, October, when it will meet on Monday, October 9 at JFS. Please contact Deborah Frisco, MSW, LCSW at JFS at 336-852-4829, ext. 226 or
Painting With the Masters—a participatory art workshop for older adults and their friends with JFS Chai Notes and Lia Miller of Creative Aging Network-NC. Monday, Oct. 16 at JFS from 1-3 p.m. Supplies and refreshments provided. Contact Katy Claussen of 336-852-4829, ext. 228.
Tai Chi—we are organizing a second series of classes. Please contact Marlene Baruch, Congregational Nurse, at 336-852-4829, ext. 224 or if you are interested.
Mobile Meals—Looking for an occasional volunteer activity that is family friendly and serves seniors in Greensboro? JFS and the Greensboro Jewish Federation are coordinating our community’s involvement in this program. We provide volunteers for the 5th Tuesday of the month. The next date is October 31. The group meets at Peace Church on Market St. at 9:30 a.m. It takes about two hours to deliver the meals to those on your route and you always go with another person. Call Rachel Villalba at 336-209-2924 if you are interested or want more information.
Other Opportunities—Call David Frazier at 336-852-4829, ext. 227